Rumor- There are moments in life when you make a decision. Accept who you are. What you have become. This was one of those times...
The fairytale I thought I'd found had become a nightmare so quickly after I said, "I do." Which was the reason I ran when I had the chance. Not thinking about the consequences. Just knowing I had to get free before it was my life that was taken.
I never expected to end up finding a haven. A place where people were willing to help me hide. It was as if I had walked into my own perfect daydream.
King- "Don't believe every pretty face you meet, sweets. You should know by now that's a terrible f——g idea."
She was my job. I was to make her feel safe and do whatever I had to in order to make sure she didn't run. Underneath the abused and broken exterior, there was a fighter. It was in her eyes. I lived for the moments when she let me see that spark.
I had been headed straight to Hell years before I met Rumor, but letting her fall in love with me was going to reserve me a room in the darkest pit available. One day soon, she was going to find out I was the monster she was running from and the family she had come to trust was the mafia that had killed her husband.